Originally, the nickname and avatar for "momo" were generated automatically as default settings after new users registered their accounts. Now, increasing number of netizens have opted to change their avatars to a pink little dinosaur and rename themselves as "momo."
On the one hand, this decision is based on personal privacy considerations. Many people do not want their browsing history to be easily discovered by acquaintances in the real world, so they choose to wear a "cloak of invisibility" and join the "momo army."
On the other hand, adopting the "momo" avatar provides people with a collective identity, which reduces social pressure and enables them to speak more freely online. In this way, people are able to enjoy the benefits of online communication and social support without fear of judgment or scrutiny.
不光是国内,在习惯于使用个人照片作为账户头像的国外,也兴起了一股使用默认头像(default PFP)的潮流。
据Asia Media Journal报道,最近默认用户头像变得越来越受欢迎。这类头像出现了有一段时间了,但近期流行起来,默认头像的图片有着不同的样式。
Default PFP (Profile Pictures) have become very popular in recent times. They have been around for a while, but have gained popularity in recent times. These images are available in various styles and designs.
Default PFP Instagram pictures are probably the best type of profile photos you can get. For those who don’t have an idea, the default image is a copy of the profile photo window without a profile picture. It features just the profile photo outline of a person.
People find it a lot more secure to use rather than using their actual image. One thing we’d recommend you do is to take the default PFP and elevate it to the next level. That should sort out a lot of your problems further.